Introduction: When the man speaks just what is right, he speaks the truth. Truthfulness is a great virtue of mankind.

It wins love and respect: A truthful man wins the love and respect of all. People believe what he says. On the off chance that they are honest, we can come to the right end result. On the off chance that they are not honest, we come to an off-base end result.

Where and when to learn this: From childhood, a man is amid such circumstances and environment that he does not tell what happened. Rather, he learns to suppress or distort facts. Parents must be particular whenever they find their children telling lies.

Great men: Those who became great in this world always used to speak the truth. Hazrat Abdul Quader Jilani did not tell a lie, even to the robbers. The robbers gave up the robbery to see the extraordinary truthfulness of a small child. 

Truthfulness Vs. Modern world: Today’s world is said to be the world of advanced civilization. There would be no evaluation of good virtues such as honesty, discipline, punctuality, kindness, truthfulness, etc. to him.

Truth wins over the long haul: The world moves upon truth. To help a falsehood, we are generally in anxiety toward identification. In this way, we lose genuine serenity.

Truthfulness should be cultivated from infancy: Honesty is the mother of boldness, equity, generosity, and any remaining moral ideals. On the off chance that we don’t develop honesty in our childhood, it is hard, as far as we’re concerned, to shake off the propensity for lying when we become old.

Conclusion: According to every religion, truthfulness is a good virtue. In Islam, the holy Quran says there is a curse on liars.

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