Short Biography of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA). : 1 of the best biography.
Short Biography of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA).
Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) was born in a place called Qaran in the province of Yemen in Arabia. There is a difference of opinion as to whether Mouja or Mohalla belongs to Yemen. According to some, Qaran was a Mauza, some say Qaran was a Mohalla, the exact information cannot be established. But the reasons known about the naming of the place Karan are this – At one time the earth was being dug for the construction of a building, a cow lion was found while digging the earth. The literal meaning of horn is Qaran in Arabic language, that is why people have named the said Mahalla and Mouza as Qaran. Another narration shows that Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) was born in the port of Feza near the Shaor River, near a town called Zobayd, three storeys away from Yemen. However, according to most, Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) was born in a place called Qaran in Yemen and he was more famous as Ways Karni. The word Qaran is added to Hazrat Ways Karni’s name because he was born in a place called Qaran.
Parents and Birth Notes:
The real name of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) is Hazrat Oways. Father’s name was Abdullah and mother’s name was Bedura. She was a very virtuous and beautiful woman. Hazrat Oways Karni’s grandfather’s name was Badar. History shows that the grandfather of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) Badar was a famous priest. His reputation spread through the streets of Yemen.
After Badar left Ihdham, his son Abdullah succeeded him. After engaging in his father’s profession, Abdullah accepted the water of a virtuous woman named Bedura, within a short time a beautiful daughter was born in their family. Unfortunately, their child left the world at a very young age. Then there was no limit to the sadness in Abdullah’s small family. But Allah Rabbul Alamin removed their helpless life in a short time. On one auspicious day, a child was born in the lap of Abdullah’s Ursha, Bibi Bedura, after getting the child, they forgot all the past pains and started their family journey. Seeing the auspicious signs of the new-born child’s charming radiance, foot-shaped face, wide forehead, etc., the priest Abdullah thought a lot in the heart of the temple. Surely God Almighty will fulfill a great work and purpose through this child. Sensible people must have realized this child. The moon of this full moon is none other than Hazrat Oways Karni (RA). Who has been immortalized in the pages of history and has been awarded the title of Mahbube Rabbani Asheke Nabi.
No exact date is known regarding the birth date of Mahbub Rabbani Hazrat Wais Karni (RA), but from the time of Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) i.e. 570 AD to the caliphate period of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) i.e. 661 AD, these 91 It can be assumed that he was born and died within the year, as can be easily deduced from a review of his biography.
Education Life:
Asheke Nabi Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) lost his father at a very young age. When his father left the world, there was no one to run the family. Forced, the boy Voice Karni took charge of the family. In such a situation, who will arrange the education of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA)? This was due to financial hardship and lack of opportunities or whatever was not God’s will. Hazrat Oways Karni should go to an educational institution and learn science.” Teaching female science was not his destiny. However, even though Hazrat Oways Karni was deprived of education, he had deep and sincere faith in Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH).
He loved Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) sincerely. He had a deep personal and sincere connection with him. It is because of this love that Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) personally took responsibility for the education of Hazrat Wais Karni. The education that Hazrat Oways Karni (R.A.) received was basically Elme Ladunni or God-given knowledge.
It is for this reason that Hazrat Oways Karni (ra) was able to understand the love of the Prophet and the love of Allah in the ocean.
Hazrat Oways Karni’s Body and Dress:
Mahbube Rabbani Asheke Nabi Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) had a medium body. His body structure was thin and scaly, with a bright copper complexion. The hair on the head was potato-thalu Usk-Khusk. It is a real fact that the beloved servants of Allah abandon the beauty of this world and strive to attain the permanent beauty of the Hereafter.
Ashek Nabi Hazrat Oways Karni (R.H.)’s clothing was very modest. He did not like to live a luxurious life at all. That is why he did not wear shiny and beautiful clothes. Instead, he used to cover himself with hundreds of tattered clothes. It has also been seen that he used to sew clothes himself by collecting discarded clothes and torn pieces of clothes that were unfit for human use. In short, his clothing was of very poor quality.
Acceptance of Islam by Hazrat Oways:
No exact information is available about when and how Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) took shelter under the shade of Golden Islam. It is well known that the message of Islam reached Yemen immediately after the advent of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the savior of the world and the source of intercession. On one of the auspicious days of the propagation of Islam in Yemen, Syedul Qawnain heard the story of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from Hazrat Oways Karni and his master, and wept and said regretfully, “Oh my bad, I am the prophet of the world Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)”. I could not attend the service. Hazrat Oways Karni (r.a.) lamented these things and cried in love of the Prophet. Then he said to the master, “Master, please initiate me into the holy religion of Islam and teach me its rules.” After listening to his words, Ustad turned his long-held hope into reality. His master also had a wish that if Allah will help him, Hazrat Oways Karni (R.H.) was initiated into Islam and taught him all the rules of Islam as far as he knew them. Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) informed his old mother about his acceptance of Islam, the old mother was very happy to hear about his acceptance of Islam. Not only happy, the father said to his son, you should convert me to Islam. Hazrat Oways Karni (R.H.) was very happy to hear the old mother’s words, and in a moment he gave the old mother the initiation of Islam.
Death of Hazrat Oways Karni (RA):
It is a real fact that if one is born in this earthly world one has to die. Humans are mortal, everyone must accept death. So Mahbube Rabbani Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) one day drank the syrup of death and left Ihdham. Some say that Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) died a natural death. Some say he has accepted martyrdom. Hazrat Mulla Ali Qari, one of the commentators of Hadith books, has described it in his written book called Madanul Madani. Siffin is a desert. Hazrat Oways Karni (RA) was martyred here in the war between Hazrat Ali (RA) and Hazrat Muawiya (RA) in 37 Hijri.
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