Presentation: The word ‘discipline’ comes from the Latin word disciples. Disciples means disciple. Discipline is a moral quality.
Discipline in nature: Discipline is the first law of nature. The universe itself rests on Discipline. In short, nature stands on and behaves in orderliness and Discipline.
In-home: At home, we are to notice Discipline. We can’t only raise great youngsters if there is Discipline. So Discipline should be enforced on children at home.
In educational institutions: For running educational institutions, Discipline is essential. The students are trained and educated to become full-fledged and responsible citizens.
In playgrounds: Games are played under a certain set of rules. If a player breaks the rules, he becomes disqualified from the game. One of the game’s main objectives is to teach Discipline to the players.
In the defense: In the military service, it is first essential. Everyone in the defense service, from the soldiers to the General, has to lead a strictly disciplined life.
In other fields, In civil affairs as well, the value of Discipline is equally important. Organizations and institutions can only work smoothly with Discipline among their workers.
Importance: Discipline prompts congruity or request, while Discipline prompts disarray or confusion. Discipline is the feature of the common request.
Conclusion: Discipline brings peace and prosperity to a man. Discipline draws the sharp line of distinction between men and beasts.
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