Our country ( Bangladesh) : 1 of the best motherland
Our Country, Bangladesh, is a little low-lying country in South Asia on the Sound of Bengal. It came into being in 1971 following a bloody war. Its total area is 1,47,570 square kilometres. Population: 16.17 crores Male:8.10 crores, Women: 8.07 crores.Education Rate: 63.6%.Language:Bengali (National Language) – 95% of the populationOther languages - 5%English is commonly used.Religion Muslims – 86.6%, Hindus – 12.1%, Buddhist – 0.6%Christians – 0.4% andOthers – 0.3%.(Source: Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics)
The Straight of Bengal is toward the south of the country. The other three sides are encircled by India, with the exception of a little strip in the southeast by Myanmar. The greater part of its territories is plain for certain sloping regions in the upper east and southeast of the country.
The nation is an emergency crossed by countless waterways and trenches. The Padma, the Meghna and the Jamuna are the huge streams of the country.
The country has a tropical monsoon climate. The country has six seasons. They are winter, spring, summer, rainy, autumn and late autumn.
The population of Bangladesh is about 150 million. Greater part of them are Muslims and the rest are Hindus, Buddhists and Christians. North of 98% of individuals communicate in Bengali. English is additionally generally utilized. The public dress for men is Payjama and Panjabi, and Sari is for ladies. Yet, the informed individuals put on jeans and shirts, and the informed ladies put on Salowar and Kamiz.
The economy of the nation relies upon agribusiness and articles of clothing. Jute, rice, tea, sugarcane, oilseeds, natural products, vegetables, flavours, wheat, potato, tobacco and cotton are the yields of the country. Around 59.84 per cent of individuals live in towns, and agribusiness is their fundamental occupation.
Chittagong and Mongla are the two main sea ports of the country. Cox’s Bazar, a place of scenic beauty, is the longest sea beach in the world.
The nation has some world legacy locales, for example, the Sunderbans, the Pooed Gombuj Mosque of Bagerhat and so on. All things considered, the individuals of Bangladesh are a lot of harmony.
Presently, the witticism of advanced Bangladesh is to lay out innovation-based computerized administration, online business, e-agribusiness, e-creation, e-instruction and so on. Emphasizing the overall development of the country and the nation.
To carry out this fantasy of computerized Bangladesh, the government needs to take specific drives. Most importantly, continuous power supply must be guaranteed. We need to foster PC network frameworks all throughout the country. We additionally need to prepare our kin to secure ICT expertise and guarantee evenhanded admittance to computerized administration administrations for all conditions of the general public. Advanced administration will control wrongdoing and defilement and make ready for our country’s fast turn of events. Our country best of me.
So, to see our country a digital one, the government’s commitment and people’s cooperation are urgently required . At last, our schooling ought to be PC-based, and in essential and optional schools, understudies ought to simply get to the PC.
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